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Masala Chai Ice Cream Recipe

Prep Time 45 minutes
Total Time 4 hours 45 minutes
Cuisine Indian
Servings 6


  • 1 cup Full Cream Milk
  • 2 Black Tea Bags
  • 4 Egg Yolkes
  • ½ cup Castor Sugar
  • 6 pods Cardamon
  • 12 Cloves
  • 3 Star Anise (chakra phool)
  • ¼ tsp Black Peppercorns
  • 3 Cinnamon Sticks
  • ½ inch Fresh Ginger Root
  • 2 cup Cream
  • 1 tbsp Honey


  • If using a double boiler, put water onto boil first.
  • Add milk to pan on stove top on a medium heat. Once warm but not boiling add tea bags and TURN OFF stove. Leave tea bags to steep for three and a half minutes, then remove tea bags.
  • Measure out egg yolkes into a bowl, set egg whites aside.
  • Add sugar to egg yolkes and beat until pale and creamy.
  • Add warm milk and tea mix to eggs about ⅓ at a time, mixing well in between additions, to temper the egg yokes.
  • Add milk, tea, sugar, egg yoke mix to top of double boiler, if using. If not using a double boiler you will need to put the pot on a low heat and watch it VERY carefully to prevent the mix heating to much and scrambling the eggs.
  • Add cream, spices and ginger and honey and mix well.
  • Heat on a low to medium heat, watching carefully and stirring well to prevent lumps.
  • Mix is done when it coats the back of the spoon on spatular and leaves a clear line when you run your finger across it.
  • Remove top from double boiler and allow to cool for a few minutes. Transfer mix to heat proof container and chill in the fridge for at least four hours, preferably overnight.
  • Put ice cream storage container in the freezer to chill. If using a self churning machine turn it on ten minutes before churning to allow the machine to chill.
  • Strain the ice cream mix, then churn the ice cream. It will be the consistency of soft serve when done.
  • Transfer to chilled container and freeze until firm.
  • To serve remove from freezer, scoop and enjoy! Delicious on its own or with an extra drizzle of honey on top.