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Cucumber Mocktail Recipe

Prep Time 15 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Cuisine Pakistani
Servings 2


  • 1 Cucumber
  • 1 Lemon juice OR Lime
  • Granulated Sugar To Taste
  • 120 ml Coconut Water
  • Soda Water Or 7up As Needed
  • Handful Mint Leaves


  • Peel the cucumber and then cut into big chunks. Transfer to a blender to make a puree. Transfer the puree to a pan and add squeeze in juice of 1 small lime and sugar to taste. Stir until the sugar dissolves and everything mixes in together and then remove pan from heat.
  • Strain the mixture into another container using a strainer.
  • Add a lime wedge and a few mint leaves into the glass. Use a muddler to release the juices from the lime and mint leaves. Top with ice cubes.
  • Add 85 g prepared cucumber juice, followed by 56 g of coconut water. Top with soda sparkling water/soda water. The amount would depend on how big or small your serving glasses are. I added around 85 g of soda water.
  • Stir everything using a mixing spoon. Top with more mint leaves and serve immediately!